Tag - globalban

December 2015

September 2014

May 2014

GlobalBan duration increased

From today the GlobalBan duration is increased to 288 hours for the first detection, 576 for the second, 1152 for the third and so.

We understand that everyone knows GlobalBan, so we have to be more strict with penalties.

Please see: http://www.sxe-injected.com/features-5/globalban-267

November 2013

sXe Injected 15.0 Released!


(+) Add: __sxei_output

(!) Fix: Screenshot transmission

(!) Fix: Bug fixing


(+) Add: GlobalBan detection methods

(!) Fix: Steam "window name" error

(!) Fix: Hud on steam for screenshot viewer

(!) Fix: Bug fixing

October 2013

sXe Injected 14.5 Released!

 (+) Add: New validations for GlobalBan detection.

 (!) Fix: Screenshot mini-freeze on client

 (!) Fix: Smoke sprite validation

IMPORTANT: GlobalBan penalization could be longer due to seriousness of the fault..

Due to a memory integrity error we have to change from 14.3 to 14.5 with no add/fix.